Thursday, July 19, 2012

Indonesian Slush Ice Drink

Because Indonesia is a tropical country, there are countless of cold drinks available year round.  Instead of ice cream, we drink or eat slush ice drinks with fruits, jellies, beans, fermented casava, avocados, and others as the added ingredients, sprinkled with syrup and condensed milk (optional).  It is my favorite snack drink of all time.  There are other similar slush ice drinks throughout Asia but each country has its own twist to it.  It is popular in the Bay Area now but it is either Chinese or Vietnamese version of the drink.  So here's the Indonesian style.

Indonesian slush ice drink

  • Ice cubes for slush machine, as much as necessary
  • Red beans, you can make it from scratch, boil red beans and sugar (according to taste) until soft, or you can use store bought ready-made can, see picture below
  • Jack fruit, fresh ones or canned, cut into thin slices
  • avocados, thin slices
  • Black jelly, canned from Asian market, some are already cut into cubes
  • "Marjan Boudoin" brand cocopandan flavor syrup (coconut & pandan flavor), see picture below, available in most Asian markets
  • Condensed milk (optional)
red bean
canned red bean
marjan bourdoin syrup
cocopandan syrup

Slush ice machine, we have a small Japanese style slush ice machine.  I don't really like this one because the slush ice is very fine so it melts very quickly.  Ideally you use a machine that gives you coarser slush ice, the one that you can still bite into it a bit as you eat and the ice does not melt as fast as the one that I have.

  1. Prepare all the ingredients, ready for use
  2. Slush some ice into a serving bowl, top with the rest of the ingredients, however and how much you want
  3. Sprinkle some syrup, then some condensed milk on top
  4. Mix well and enjoy!
Note: you can use other ingredients that go well with ice drinks such as cendol (Indonesian green jelly), fermented casava (I just found out how to make it so I will try it next time, then I will update this post), green beans, coconut jelly, palm fruit, and many more.


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